In _____ obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. From the moment one of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other begins.
2015-06-05 · Mora . accipiendi. or the delay on the part of the creditor to accept the performance of the obligation; and (3) Compensatio. morae. or the delay of the obligors in reciprocal obligations (like in sale), i.e., the delay of the obligor cancels the delay of the obligee, and vice versa. Such delay would not fall under mora accipiendi, which contemplates that the obligation of the debtor, such as the actual purchases on credit, has already been constituted.
– Default or delay on the part of the debtor. Mora. – Default or delay. Mortis causa.
Effect of The exception to the rule is when is Charity in mora accipiendi. The delay on the part of the creditor to accept the performance of the obligation. a .
The delay on the part of the debtor to fulfill his obligation. It begins from the time of judicial or extrajudicial demand by the creditor for fulfillment of the obligation. a. Mora Solvendi b. Mora Accipiendi c. Compensation Morae
There shall be no liability for loss due to fortuitous events in one of the following cases. Which is it?
Mora accipiendi, relates to delay on the part of the obligee in accepting the performance of the obligation by the obligor. The requisites ofmora accipiendiare: an offer of performance by the debtor who has the required capacity; the offer must be to comply with the prestation as it should be performed; and the creditor refuses the performance without just cause.
delay; and 5. The debtor MORA ACCIPIENDI (mora of the creditor) – the delay of the obligee or creditor to accept the delivery of the thing which is the object of the obligation. Article 1269. The obligation having been extinguished by the loss of the thing, the creditor shall have all the rights of action which the debtor may have against third persons by reason of 2 kinds of delay: (1) Ordinary delay- merely the failure to perform an obligation on time (2) Legal delay or default or mora- the failure to perform an obligation on time which failure, constitutes a breach of the obligation Different kinds of delay, default or mora (1) Mora Solvendi: Delay on the part of the debtor (2) Mora Accipiendi: Delay Delay on the part of the debtor (to do) Mora accipiendi. Delay on the part of the creditor. Compensatio morae. Delay on both parties.
Statement III: When time is of the essence of the contract, delay on the part of the debtor exists despite the absence of demand. 2016-03-26
Mora accipiendi – or the delay on the part of the creditor without justifiable reason to accept the performance of the obligation; and 3. Compensatio morae – or the delay of the obligors in reciprocal obligations (like in sale), ie., the delay of the obligor cancels the delay of the obligee, and the vice versa. Mora accipiendi.
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Ordinary delay; Legal delay ; KINDS OF DELAY OR DEFAULT. Mora solvendi ; Mora accipiendi; Compensatio morae *There is no delay in obligation not to do, non-fulfillment may take place but delay is impossible. EFFECTS OF DELAY MORA SOLVENDI. The debtor …
Mora accipiendi The delay on the part of the creditor to accept the performance of the obligation.